Unlike living in a single family home — where neighbourhood noise restrictions are enforced from 10PM to 7AM on weekdays and 10PM to 9AM on weekends and holidays — at Red Haus, noise restrictions are enforceable 24/7.
The reality of choosing to live in a condo, and therefore share four walls with virtual strangers, is that we have a responsibility to respect a mutual desire to live in comfort and harmony. By default, we then accept our role in limiting the noise we emit from our unit, in the hallways, and from our patios.
We also recognise that disturbing your neighbours is never anyone’s intent, so by simply becoming more aware of a few key actions, you can become a better neighbour. It’s about respecting your home, and those around you. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to incorporate into your space and daily routine:
Walking, stomping, pounding, and running will emit repetitive noise both below and often beside you. Refrain from wearing hard-soled shoes in your unit, instead opt for soft shoes (like slippers) while indoors.
We also recommend the use of thick area rugs or carpet runners in high traffic areas. If you have cardio equipment or a fitness area, ensure you lay a rubber, vibration-absorbing mat under this spot.
When on your electronic devises, ensure that volume levels are as low as possible while still able to comfortably enjoy your music, show, or game. If you must exceed mid-range levels, the use of earphones is wise and courteous.
Avoid having any kind of sound bar or speaker placed directly on the floor or against a wall. This will help alleviate noise and vibration transfer.
The closing or slamming of doors, as well as the dragging of furniture legs will produce transferable noise. We suggest installing door stoppers as well as applying felt or rubber tabs on the corners of drawers, cupboards, and to the legs of chairs, tables, and your couch. Hold the handle of the door when closing it rather than just pulling or pushing it closed, this allows for more control and helps eliminate loud slams.
At Red Haus, noise from hallways and on balconies easily travels to surrounding units. Being mindful of indoor voice levels on common property is both easy and courteous. Restricting music or devices to the confines of your unit also reduces travelling noise pollution.
If you are hosting a small gathering, especially during warmer months, closing your windows and patio door will reduce noise transfer.
For gatherings, remember, you have access to a beautiful, newly renovated Club Haus lounge, equipped with a full kitchen, viewing area and seating. It’s the perfect venue for parties and sporting events.
Animal Noise
Our furry friends are lovable guests at Red Haus, so naturally noise bylaws apply to them too — even puppies.
Barking and whining must be slim to none, so here are some effective tactics to calm an anxious pet:
1. Play music or the TV to drown-out hallway noise.
2. When left alone, place anxious pets in a bedroom with the door closed.
3. Dogs are inherently calmed in crates. Consider crate training a new puppy.
4. Barking at hallway or patio traffic should be discouraged and redirected.
5. Walk your pet. A tired dog is a quiet dog.
6. Hire a trainer or learn from the internet - all pet behaviours can be modified with work.