Dryer Vent Cleaning — Red Haus Condo Corporation — Newsletter

Red Haus Condo Corporation

Dryer Vent Cleaning

The Great Melt

winterizing, COVID-19, Condo Law, Freezing Pipes, Pet Owners, Overflow Valves, Entry Door Latches, Furniture Dumping, Dryer Vent CleaningClare McWilliams

This resource is a list of general information and tips from condominium experts and resources relevant to condominium buyers, owners and board members in Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic. Events are rapidly changing due to the pandemic so this resource may change as new issues develop. This CPLEA resource provides general information only. It does not provide legal or professional advice.


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Pet Waste Disposal To-DooDoo’s

In accordance with our bylaws, pet waste must be picked-up and disposed of properly. There are five dog waste stations located on the property. Dog owners are expected to use the biodegradable bags provided at each station (or your own). Dispose of waste at at one of these pet waste stations. Do not dispose of pet waste in lobby waste bins.

As a courtesy to fellow residents, please help us minimize property damage and foul odours at entrances and exits by discouraging your dog to urinate or defecate immediately upon leaving these doors. If necessary, carry your pet away from the building – we have a large property to explore for dogs and their owners alike. 

Violators will face fines of $250 per occurrence.


Check Tub Overflow Valves

Over the past few months there have been leaks caused by bathtub overflow valves.

The opening of your overflow valve should face DOWN.

Loose or valve openings facing up need to be fixed. Water can drain down into the wall and cause water damage.


Courtyard Doors Need Extra Love

In colder conditions, courtyard doors sometimes don’t close all the way, so please ensure you give a little pull or push and make sure the door latch closes. Should you hear the door alarm sounding (indicating the latch is not secure), kindly close it so the alarm will stop.

Please do not stand in the doorway while you allow your pet to do it’s business. Pet owners are required to leash your dog and lead them away from doorways — this not only is courteous to fellow residents (so the alarm won't be triggered) but it also reduces damage to entry grass and resulting odours.

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Lobbies & Disposal Huts Not to Used for Furniture Dumping

Though often well intentioned, “FREE” items may not be left in lobby areas or disposal huts for other residents.

Furniture and electronics must be disposed off-site or donated to the likes of the Salvation Army or Goodwill. The onus to remove such items lies with the resident — not the Condo Corporation.

Violators will face fines of $250 per occurrence.


Building 30 Common Space Reno

Common space renovations in building 30 are well underway and running smoothly. Walls, doors and carpeting are being updated to reflect renovations completed in building 60. An interior designer was hired to select finishes to ensure aesthetic cohesiveness, durability and longevity.

The remaining three lobbies will be repainted in the spring for their annual refresh for continued curb appeal.