Happy Fall, friends:
It’s a BIG spicy month for our property, it’s governance, and it’s direction. As such, I’m asking for unprecedented owner (or proxy) support at our AGM on October 26, please.
With changes to the Condominium Property Act (that impact our bylaws and governance) coupled by an impending Special Resolution vote and ongoing operational challenges, we truly need increased owner engagement in the coming weeks. For transparency, I think it would be helpful to share your Board’s primary pain points with you. Your understanding and anticipated action will enable us to more effectively and efficiently serve this community.
Owner Apathy: I know this all too well from personal experience, that until you are on this Board of Directors, it’s impossible to understand everything that goes on behind the scenes. It’s easier to spot perceived shortcomings instead of progress, and then simply disengage — the reality is, you’re not privy to the hundreds of hours spent by your volunteer Board solving capital and operational challenges for the fiscal benefit and safety of this community. Given the size and age of our property, this Board of Directors has developed a reputation as one of the most involved in the city; not by choice, but necessity. Trust that we are fighting the good fight for you.
You might assume that because we pay handsomely for a property management company, that they do everything for us — and that your volunteer Board simply attends a monthly meeting. The reality is, all property mangers have multiple properties under their purview at all times. As much as a property of our size warrants 100% of a property manager’s time and resources, this simply isn’t how their business model works. Knowing this, you might now empathize with your property manager a little more, and also understand why this Board is as involved as it is. Herein lies the paradox of external property management. We work within its limitations.
Outdated Owner and Tenant Contact Information: Though it is the responsibility of the property manager to contact owners with relevant property information, they are only as good as the information they have on file. And the accuracy of owner (and tenant) information is poor. As an owner at Red Haus, bylaws require that you provide up-to-date phone numbers, email, mailing address (if you live off-site), pet and vehicle registration and tenant info. This can be done via Condo Control or with your property manager. Please use the AGM as a personal deadline to ensure Simco has all they need to ensure you — and your tenant — are kept in the know.
Streamlining Support. It’s become apparent that owners and residents are not clear who they should be contacting — the onsite supervisor or property manager or Condo Control (Simco’s communications portal) — when you are experiencing a billing issue, a move, noise complaint etc. The inefficiency of this process has increased response times, which the Board would like to rectify. We have sought external support to help us simplify and streamline these roles. As such, we will be rolling out a promotional campaign in the coming weeks through email and onsite signage. You'll also find a handy directory under your door for ease.
Upcoming Special Resolution Vote. Required by law, our existing bylaws must now align with the new Condominium Property Act. This has been a lengthly, exhaustive and costly exercise to get us to this point, significantly delayed by COVID-19 restrictions. Now that we’re here, we now require 75% of Red Haus owners to ratify these updates by way of a Special Resolution. I must reiterate, this is not an optional exercise — the amendments to our new bylaws must be approved. (A Special Resolution requires approval of at least 75% of people entitled to vote and representing at least 75% of total unit factors.)
Should revisions to our bylaws be received from the lawyers in time for our AGM, we will have our first vote then. If they are not, we will communicate voting options in coming weeks, and continue to do so until our 75% quota is met.
Thank you kindly for your attention. We look forward to seeing you in-person or virtually this week and your support in improving our ability to serve you.
— Don McKenzie | President, Red Haus Board of Directors