| Awaiting Land Title Registration to be Official |
SPECIAL RESOLUTION VOTE TO AMEND 2007 BYLAWS HAS PASSED | Awaiting Land Title Registration to be Official |
President’s Letter
Replay. Pause. Forward.
Greetings neighbours,
I’d like to thank everyone who attended the AGM held on May 30, our annual replay of the year’s happenings. We experienced record attendance between online and in-person owners or their proxies; its wonderful to see heightened owner engagement. It was an especially productive meeting this year thanks to the constructive and complimentary nature of owner questions and feedback. The yearly demands on this Board (in addition to the planning and execution of the AGM) are high, so thoughtful and respectful engagement by attendees is appreciated. Once Minutes are completed, they will be made available on the Govenmance page and on Condo Control.
The Board of Directors was re-elected. We’d like to extend a special thank you to Michele Mackay for her service in acting as Records Director for the past year. Once the amended bylaws are ratified by Land Titles, our Board head count will go from five to seven.
PAUSE AND REFLECT: Meeting Highlights
We were thrilled to announce at the meeting that the Special Resolution vote campaign to amend our 2007 bylaws has passed. The amended bylaws have been submitted to Land Titles and once ratified, will officially replace our existing bylaws. In the interim, both amended and existing bylaws are located on the Governance page of this website.
In spite of record inflation and post-pandemic economic recovery, our 2022 condo fees will NOT be increasing.
Further to this point, the Auditor’s review of our finances was especially glowing. Impressively, we are at 110% of our Reserve Fund requirements.
FORWARD WE GO: Upcoming Activity
Green-space clean-up starts in early June
Parkade has been resurfaced (just 1/8 of the surface required repair)
Roadway, Visitor Parking and Parkade pressure cleaning begins June 14 — watch your email for dates & times
As we transition into summer and enjoy more time outdoors — and on our patios — we ask that you take note of the housekeeping reminders below as they relate to safety, respectful noise levels and common bylaw infractions.
— Don McKenzie | President, Red Haus Board of Directors