Summer greetings, friends:
Grilling, camping, river floating — with Stampede in the dust, summer’s in full swing, ya’ll. And with COVID-19 restrictions lifting and we begin to regain a resemblance of normalcy, your Board of Directors and property manager (Simco Management) remain busy with scheduled, proactive and reactive Red Haus maintenance and activities.
IS YOUR CONTACT INFO CURRENT? Your inboxes contain the day-to-day correspondence and updates from Simco Management. If you’e not receiving emails, including newsletter notifications, contact the property manager to confirm the accuracy of your contact details. Remember, ensuring they have your current contact information, along with your tenant information, is your responsibility as an owner. Tenants are strongly encouraged to contact the property manager with their information too!
AGM IS COMING. In our previous newsletter, we announced that a Virtual AGM was in the works as Simco’s communications portal Condo Control can take AGMs online. We’ve since decided to host a hybrid AGM this fall — in person and online (live-streamed with interactivity). If you think you’d like to attend the AGM virtually, you will need a Condo Control account. If you do not yet have an account, please contact your property manager to create one.
Leisa Reinwald
(403) 234 0166, ext. 4062
BOARD MEMBER CHANGE. After three dedicated years on the Board of Directors, Michele Mackay has resigned. Her attention to detail, organization, and collaborative spirit have been invaluable assets to the Board (as Secretary) and the greater Red Haus community. You will be sorely missed, Michele — happy retirement!
We’re very pleased to introduce Mel Tiede as the newest addition to the Board of Directors. He brings over 25 years as a Certified Professional Accountant. He will fill the position of Treasurer — welcome aboard, Mel.
BYLAW COMMITTEE. We are still seeking volunteers to form a Bylaw Committee. Red Haus bylaws require updating to reflect the new Condominium Act and we need the support of this community to make this happen. Many hands make light work! Please contact Leisa Reinwald with your interest.
In service,
— Don McKenzie | President, Red Haus Board of Directors
Stay Tuned for Details & Elbow Bumps
As previously expressed, your Board of Directors and Simco Management are currently aligning logistics, technology and bylaw requirements in order to host this year’s AGM in the safest and most inclusive manner possible. In order to abide by existing (and anticipated) COVID-19 protocols, we have decided to host an in-person AGM (up to legal gathering capacity) that will be live-streamed through Condo Control.
Written notice will be provided to owners and mortgagees soon. This notice will also include copies of financial statements for the preceding fiscal year, annual report on the reserve fund, annual budget for the next fiscal year,
as well as quorum and proxy details.
We appreciate your patience and look forward to seeing you all soon.