Registration Terms
A secure bicycle storage cage is located in the parkade for resident convenience and additional space. The bicycle cage is located in the building 60 parkade.
Bicycle owners are required to submit the form below for Bicycles Cage access
Site Office will issue you a bicycle tag and access details
Bicycles (including tricycles) may not be stored on patios or on common property
When leaving the Bicycle Cage, be sure to lock the gate behind you for the protection of your property and that of other’s. (Simply scramble the numbers then clench the lock closed.)
Terms and conditions:
Bicycle owners are responsible for their bicycles. Unregistered bicycles found on common property are subject to removal and disposal. Unclaimed bicycles may be removed and disposed of at the Board's discretion
Please fill in all the information on this form
The corporation accepts no responsibility for damage or theft to any bicycle stored in the bicycle cage