Join us for Red Haus’ Inaugural Stampede Breakfast
Your Board of Directors is proud to be hosting its inaugural Stampede Breakfast this coming Saturday. Come by and enjoy a traditional pancake brekkie, connect with your neighbours, and celebrate our community spirit.
This is a complimentary event for Red Haus residents and their guests, y’all.
Wednesday July, 12
There are TWO ways to RSVP:
By Email OR By calling (403) 969 9200.
Please confirm the number a guests in your party. Each guest will receive a raffle ticket for the chance to win prizes.
Tickets can be picked up at the Site Office during office hours by Friday at 4:00pm
Club Haus Garden
Saturday, July 15
8:30AM - 11:00AM
Optimizing our space and operations for the collective pride of all residents
Refer to Contact Directory to Expedite Response Times
Back in March 2022, each Red Haus unit received a postcard through their door with a magnet affixed for your fridge. Please reference this directory for all Red Haus related questions or concerns for faster response times and resolutions.
We ask owners and residents to lean into Condo Control to submit service requests and complaints. It provides access to a broader support team, an actionable paper trail, and trackable timeline. Condo Control is an extension of our management team — your digital concierge per say. Directing service requests and complaints there will ensure faster turnaround time. The Property Manager and Maintenance Supervisor will direct you here also.
Log into Condo Control here. Don’t have a password? Contact the Property Manager for access.
Salvation Army or Goodwill, Never Our Lobby or Waste Huts
Though often well intentioned, “FREE”or donated items must not be left on common property for other residents.
Please resist using waste huts and lobbies for the disposal of household refuse, like furniture or electronic items.
These items must be disposed of off-site or donated to the likes of the Salvation Army or Goodwill. The onus lies with the resident, not the Condo Corporation to remove these items from the property.
Violators will face fines of $250 per occurrence.
Safe Cigarette and Joint Disposal
Flicking butts from patios and building exits onto common property carries serve fines. Cameras and resident intel make it very simple to locate the source.
Not only is it considered littering, cigarette and joint butts also present a very real fire hazard to this community. With above-seasonal temperatures, fires are higher risk, so management will be paying closer attention.
Safe disposal of cigarettes (yours and your guests) is your responsibility. Thank you for your vigilance.
Violators will face fines of $250 per occurrence.
Mandatory Dog Waste Clean-Up
Though a seemingly a logical act, there are residents at Red Haus who reguarly fail to pick up after their dog on common property.
With five waste stations (and free poop bags provided), there is absolutely no excuse for not picking up after your dog, ever; this is a basic condition of having a dog at Red Haus.
Kindly dispose of waste at a one of these pet waste stations. Do not dispose of pet waste in lobby waste bins.
For on-lookers, please call-out these residents and report them — the contamination of our community space is never acceptable or tolerated.
As a courtesy to fellow residents, please help us minimize property damage and foul odours at entrances and exits by discouraging your dog to urinate or defecate immediately upon leaving these doors. If necessary, carry your pet 20+ feet away from the building – we have a large property to explore for dogs and their owners alike.
Violators will face fines of $250 per occurrence.
Parkade Stalls are for Vehicles Only, Not for Storage or Waste
Stalls are for vehicles only. Your registered parking spot may not be used for storage of any kind or contain debris.
Our Maintenance Supervisor conducts random parking stall inspections, or when clutter is reported. Fines are issued for non-compliance.
Onus on Owners to Inform Tenants of Policies + Bylaws
Whether your tenant is new or long-term, it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that your tenant is properly informed of polices and bylaws.
It is also the owner’s responsibility to register their tenant with the property manager and update relevant information as it changes.
Tenants who are inaccurately registered with the property manager trigger a fine to the owner of $250 per occurrence.